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new departure bearings

new departure bearings
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2013-02-27 13:54:01
All Logan lathes had spindles supported on grease-packed ball-races , with the preload set by the bearing manufacturers. Although the headstocks of the 9", 10" and 11" machines were of very similar appearance and design, the 11" model appears to have been fitted with the heavier, larger-bore spindle from its bigger brothers but with a single-row bearing at both front and rear.  The 12" and 14" lathes both had more massive headstocks in line with their much heavier-duty capacity. The "new departure bearings"  were manufactured by "New Departure" and allowed Logan to claim, for these models, a total run-out of within 0.0005" twelve inches from the front bearing.

The New Departure-Hyatt Bearings Division traces its roots to the New Departure Manufacturing Company, a producer of ball bearings that was acquired by GM founder Billy Durant in 1916 and became part of GM in 1918 as the New Departure Division. By the 1930s, New Departure was producing nearly 75 percent of all the ball bearings used in all industries in the United States and 50 percent of those used in the entire world. Eventually, the operations were re-named New Departure-Hyatt Division and then became part of the Delco Moraine NHD Division in 1989 before finally becoming part of Delphi Automotive Systems, which was spun off from GM in 1999.

When it is, New Departure will play an important part, just as it does in so many of today’s work-savers. For example, you’ll find New Departure ball bearings in almost every major appliance and for good reason. They keep moving parts functioning smoothly, while requiring virtually no maintenance. They support loads from any direction. keep parts always in perfect alignment.

When this futuristic “stock-chaser” takes shape, its intricate moving parts will turn on New Departure ball fag bearings preferred throughout industry for their accuracy, dependability, and service-free performance.

It’s just a dream away! And when it takes shape, look for New Departure to provide the proper bearings to keep all moving parts functioning smoothly. New Departure ball bearings keep parts in perfect alignment, support loads from any angle and require little or no maintenance.

In fact, New Departure ball bearings play an important role in just about every product with moving parts. For more than 50 years, manufacturers everywhere have counted on New Departure for bearings.When? 1960? Could be! But, one thing is sure. Then, as now, New Departure ball bearings will reduce costs by simplifying machine design . . . increase customer satisfaction with added product dependability.

It’s just a notion now! But when some foresighted engineer works it out, you can bet New Departure will be called in to design the right ball bearings to keep these intricate parts working smoothly. New Departure works with engineers right from the planning stage to develop the exact bearing for even the newest departure in design.

It could well be that in less than a decade a compact new appliance for the home will clean and press a suit, coat or dress in seconds.

Of course, such a machine is yet to be developed. But one solid fact: when the “Valet-Mat” does arrive it will probably be new departure ball ina bearings that keep it operating smoothly and efficiently.


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